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Games Show Series: Game Show Supplies including Music CDs for Interactive Game Shows
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Jukebox Poker
Jukebox Poker
Jukebox Poker is easy to operate and easy for your guests to play. They don't even need to know how to play poker! User friendly software that easily allows in house staff the ability to host Jukebox Poker events without hiring a company to do it for you. All you supply is a sound system and computer. Music is legal and licensed through the Audio Video Licensing Agency (AVLA). Over 40 different games with more games available at no additional cost as they are released. BONUS: Comes with a complete Digi-Beats Music Library of over 25,000 songs and counting! Initial purchase subscription is valid for 90 days, then monthly/annual subscription fees apply as described below.
Price: $599.85
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Jukebox Poker Renewal Subscription
Jukebox Poker Renewal Subscription
This Item is an ongoing subscription for the Jukebox Poker item as listed above. Subscribers have the choice of subscribing in the following 2 ways: 1) Pre-Paid Annual Subscription (Get 2 Months Free!) 2) Monthly, Quarterly or Semi-annual Subscription(s). Once you have renewed your subscription, your new unlock file will be sent to you by email within 72 hours of your purchase.
1 Month3 Month6 Month12 Month (2 Months Free)
Price: $199.95Price: $599.85Price: $1199.70Price: $1999.50
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Jukebox Trivia
Jukebox Trivia
Music Trivia Is an exciting, interactive game for all ages!! Whether you are hosting home parties or just relaxing in your favourite Pub, Music Trivia is for you. Test your knowledge of music and see just how much you know! Jukebox Trivia Consists of 65 Compact Discs with 50 Music Clips on Each and every Disc. That is over 3300 Songs!! The Box Sets break down as follows: CDs (Contains 50 Music Clips on Each CD) This Game Show Collection is a must have addition for every DJ
Price: $895.00